Here are 25 random things about me that you probably didn't know...
1. I love to be outside.
2. I started surfing last year and it is my new favorite sport.
3. I love to garden vegetables and eat homegrown.
4. I have a serious sweet tooth.
5. I am obsessed with furniture.
6. I could thrift shop every day of the week.
7. I love to sew, knit, scrapbook, bead, and bake. When I'm not creating, I'm not me.
8. I hate ground beef.
9. I think I live in the best apartment in town.
10. I am a potato fiend-mashed, baked, twice baked, au gratin, fries, potato pizza...
11. I went to 8 different schools from 1st-12th grade.
12. I have lived in 5 different states and one foreign country.
13. My dream is to own a row boat and live by the beach for all of my life.
14. My true passion is pastry-I can't live without sweets and I love to bake them.
15. I love to read.
16. My favorite afternoons are spent in the pool with a book and my massive float.
17. My favorite animal at the zoo is Rusti the orangutan.
18. If I could be anywhere right now it would be right where I am.
19. If it isn't a romantic comedy, chances are, I'll never see it.
20. I love sleeping on the beach and waking up sweaty in the sand.
21. I am a twin.
22. My favorite wine by far is Pinot Noir.
23. The best drink I've ever had-bang for buck-is the hurricane at Buzzard Billy's in Lincoln, NE.
24. I love singing and screaming in my car.
25. Sometimes I get island fever...