What a year 2009 has been! I graudated from school, again... Went to San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Omaha, Maui, and well of course all over HAWAII. :) I also started selling and posting regularly on my etsy shop, which has turned out to be a great way to sell my products. Look forward to plenty of knitted and sewn goods in the upcoming year as I will be crafting away soon! I also have a great job, with great pay and benefits, finally. I still live in Hawaii, going on 8 years, and I love it, as always. I surfed Sandy's, North Shore, Cockroach Bay, and Waikiki (tons). I got a moped, which is the best investment ever, oh and a helmet. :) I can't wait to see what 2010 brings. New Year's resolutions? NAW.... I plan to live each day in the present, not dwell on the past, and to look to the future when it arrives. Much luck to all in the new year and aloha!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
2nd Annual Christmas Bake OFF!

These are the product of the annual Christmas bake off. We have ginger spice cookies, shortbread with orange marmalade, coconut oatmeal cookies, and oatmeal cookies with raisins and dried cherries. YUM! This year we donated the cookies to IHS or the Institute for Human Services. You can see how you can help at http://www.ihshawaii.org/.
-A little about IHS, donations and how you can help:-
"-IHS provides respite for those who are unsheltered and solutions that transform the lives of homeless and at-risk people."
"-IHS depends upon the generosity of the community to meet fully one third of our modest budget-85% of our revenue goes to programs (our guests). The money that we raise is to help people; it does not go towards excessive fundraising or to pay for pretty business offices. IHS is doing good things with your money. Your gifts are not taken for granted. Each gift is appreciated and provides meaningful assistance!
To view our latest IRS Form 990 please visit www.guidestar.org
---Here’s what your contribution will do:
$35 Provide a nutritious lunch & dinner for a homeless child for a week.
$40 Provide hot showers for a guest for a week.
$50 Provide a week’s worth of childcare supplies.
$100 Provide 2 week’s worth of social services for a homeless adult.
$200 Sponsor a homeless family for a week (2 adults & 3 children).
$250 Host an evening meal for the Women & Families’ Shelter.
$500 Underwrite a portion of the utilities for both shelters for a week.
$750 Case Management services for Supportive Housing."
-----(information taken from their website)
-They also need volunteers, you can read more information at : http://www.ihshawaii.org/IHS_Volunteer.html
Saturday, December 26, 2009
A Handmade Christmas
This Christmas I wanted to make as many handmade gifts as possible. I usually make a lot of handmade gifts, but this year I had certain things in mind for almost everyone! Here are a few of the items that were gifted this year... I am going to start on next year's gifts already so I don't end up rushing or being late like a few of the items this year! I know I am not the only one who feels the days flying by when Christmas is around the corner. I love giving gifts that are made by hand though, hopefully everyone will enjoy them.
A stamped keychain for my boyfriend's sister in law that has their names and their keiki's name.
A handmade felt ornament for my boyfriend's parents. ALOHAAAA!
Hand knit bag for Ryan with a needle felt mushroom
A hand sewn pouch for my brother to go inside the knit bag
A quilted/padded case for the "kindle" for my brother ZachHand knit mittens out of 100% wool for my boyfriend's mom
Chocolate covered mac-nuts for the FAMHandmade caramels to share
Octopus necklace from Cody to my mom-(he picked out the pieces and I put it all together)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope everyone enjoyed their gifts and their holiday!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas Eve 2009
Tonight is Christmas Eve. I am all alone, but still thankful for everything I have and the things I am looking forward to this coming year. My family is celebrating Christmas in Korea, my boyfriend is in the hospital, and I am "working hard for the money." :) I opened one gift in honor of Christmas Eve's past, and I can't wait to open the rest tomorrow. Happy Holidays everyone and enjoy what you have while you have it.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
My favorite part about Christmas is stockings. When I was a little girl, my brothers and I each has our own stockings. Santa would stuff them with all kinds of little treats and toys. I used to wake up before everyone else in the house and look through all the stockings before anyone else was awake. I loved looking at all the new toys and candies, exploring each stocking and noting what was different and what was the same. I would pull everything out and lay it all out in front of me, choosing my favorite goodies. Then I would put everything back in the stockings and wake everyone else up. Time to open PRESENTS! My next favorite thing… Well, that is besides family and friends.
These are some of my favorites that I found on etsy. It is kind of hard to find stockings when everyone is tagging their "stocking stuffers" with the word stocking, but I managed to find these super uniqe ones. I also fell in love with this baby cocoon in the shape of a stocking. :)
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Knit Toys
I have been staring and comtemplating knit toys since I learned how to knit. I look at patterns, adore finished toys, and imagine making them by the dozen. Today I found a shop that has convinced me to make a knit toy. http://www.dangercraft.etsy.com/. Monsters, elephants, bunnies, bears, and narwhal's!
She sells the patterns to these insanely cute toys on etsy in her shop and also offers 2 free downloadable patterns! They are going to be my first attempt at toys, and then I will most likely buy one of her amazing patterns! Check out her blog at http://www.rebeccadanger.typepad.com/ This is an example of one of the free patterns...
She sells the patterns to these insanely cute toys on etsy in her shop and also offers 2 free downloadable patterns! They are going to be my first attempt at toys, and then I will most likely buy one of her amazing patterns! Check out her blog at http://www.rebeccadanger.typepad.com/ This is an example of one of the free patterns...
"Danger Crafts is the brainchild of Rebecca Danger: pug wrangler, thing maker, witty commentator, compulsive crafter extraordinaire. She likes to make things, write about how to make things, and help you to make things too. Run, don’t walk to her blog to find out what’s happening today in danger world:" (taken from her etsy profile page)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Christmas Cookies!
Here are some of the Christmas cookies I have started making... I still have 2 more batches of dough ready to be rolled and cut out into amazing little men! and women...

Cookies for the fam!
Girls just wanna have fun!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Zipline fun!
I went ziplining on Maui with Kapalua Adventures. It was super fun. We arrived and were suited up and then driven in an eco friendly truck to the top of the moutain. We did the lower moutain loop which had 4 ziplines, including their longest line. They also offer a upper mountain loop, challenge courses, and a giant swing. You can check out the prices and more pictures at www.kapalua.com/adventures.
"Whatever your ultimate vacation fantasy may be - whether it's a zipline tour above the treetops, a kayak trip along West Maui's jaw-dropping coast, or a hike through a historic arboretum - Kapalua Adventures can help make it a reality. " from the website www.kapalua.com/adventures
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Eddie Aikau was ON!
I went up to the North Shore today to check out the massive waves that are hitting the beach. We left at 6:30 this morning and were SO LUCKY! Not only were the waves insanely beautiful, but the Eddie Aikau suft contest was going offfff! They haven't run the contest since 2004, so we were super stoked to catch it. We also got rockstar parking on the hill above Waimea Bay. What a beautiful and awe inspiring day. Surfers riding 25 foot waves...
Check out some amazing photos and information about the contest on:
See those tiny rips in the wave? Those are surfers!
We were lucky we left early, the traffic was insane by 9 am! Some people got there at 3 or 4 in the morning and were camping out on the beach. The Pipeline Masters is supposed to take place this week, so if you didn't catch this epic surf competition, you can still see the next one! If you are still looking for a t-shirt or some gear check out: http://www.killerdana.com/killerdana/search2.asp?s_id=0&search_freetext=Eddie%20AikauAbout Eddie Aikau::::
(taken from the Eddie Aikau Foundation website)-photo above from the 1970's at Sunset on the North Shore of Oahu"Edward Ryon Makuahanai "Eddie" Aikau (May 4, 1946 – March 17, 1978) is one of the most respected names in surfing. He was the first lifeguard at Waimea Bay on the island of Oahu. He saved many lives and became well known as a big-wave surfer. "Eddie" was a true symbol of Aloha. "
To read more about Eddie Aikau and his legacy go to : http://www.eddieaikaufoundation.org/
To see some amazing photos taken by a photographer go to his website::: http://www.keoniahlo.com/ and go to the Eddie Aikau Competition pictures.
the score board in the morning
imagine if that is shore break, what does the actual surf look like??
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Maui's Beauty
I just returned from a short 3 day trip to Maui, and I wanted to share some of my photos with you of Maui's beauty. For an island so close, it has such a different a varied landscape than what I am used to on Oahu. There are no cities even close to the size of Honolulu, most towns rival the size of Kailua, or North Shore Oahu. The mountains are more rugged and have numerous valleys and peaks that glow in the morning sunlight. Mount Haleakala can be seen from all over the island and is beautiful on clear days. It is peaceful, yet inviting and the perfect place to relax and venture into the unknown.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Gal's Gift Guide
Are you shopping around but can't find that one item you know will brighten your gal pal's day? Look no further! Check out all of these awesome finds on etsy! The top left corner is a beautiful set of hairpins, perfect for a secret santa gift or a stocking stuffer. These can be found at http://www.emilywootton.etsy.com/. I love these super practical, yet stylish pot holders from http://www.persnicketypelican.etsy.com/. She has all kinds of other cool handmade items, so check her out. Do you know someone who loves unique pottery and vases? Check out http://www.marymeestudio.etsy.com/. And these super fabulous obi sashes from http://www.ccdoodle.etsy.com/, they also sell cool tees and clothing too! Everyone knows candles are perfect for gift giving, so check out http://www.lilacave.etsy.com/. Have you been searching for a personalized gift for a co-worker or friend? Go to http://www.shooptiles32.etsy.com/ to shop for these super cute ornaments for the holidays. For super affordable accessories for the home http://www.redyellowandblueink.etsy.com/ has everything you could ever want in recycled glass wares. Last but not least, I am really into the wall art deco stickers that are becoming ever so popular. They are perfect for city dwellers and homeowners who don't want to put holes in their walls, or want a quick and fabulous decoration. These photo frames stick onto your walls and make for quick decoration! Get 'em at http://www.simpleshapes.etsy.com/.
Awesome little boutique on Maui... soon to be on OAHU!
I just got home from Maui yesterday and I had an awesome time. Maui is a whole different kind of Hawaii and is filled with new and beautiful adventures. I will be blogging about all of those adventures in the upcoming week, but today I wanted to share MAHINA with everyone. (The photo above is one I took of their Paia location.) Mahina is a local boutique that has trendy jewelry, clothes, and shoes. My favorite items were the owl earrings, tako pendant necklaces, and the super cute slippers. They also have cute little reusable shopping bags! Thanks for thinking green Mahina, the earth appreciates it! I have already used mine at the beach and the pool. :) In Maui, they have stores in Kihei and Paia, and they will be opening one this December in Waikiki. This shop fits right into Paia, with its little boutiques and hippie feel. I can imagine it will be a great addition to the Waikiki shopping scene, with reasonable prices and unique finds. If you are going to be on Maui and love little boutiques like this one, don't miss it. Great for gifts for you and your friends. The picture below is one I took of their store front in Paia.
WEBSITE: http://www.mahinamaui.com/
paia (808) 579-9131
kihei (808) 879-3453
lahaina (808) 661-0383
*soon to come to Waikiki!*
Here is a picture of the owners and some information that I pulled from their website: "We, owners Jody and Joe, opened Mahina because it was frustrating trying to find clothing we liked that didn't cost a fortune. We named the shop Mahina, which is the name of the Hawaiian moon goddess, because our first store in Paia is called Lotus Moon and we wanted to keep with the moon theme. We like the moon. It's sexy, mysterious, powerful, mesmerizing. We like to make things fun and easy. Fun because we love the thrill of discovery, finding that just-right piece that makes you look and feel great. Easy because we cherrypick from lots of different designers so there's always something cute to be found. Since we're always on the hunt for cute new stuff, there's new styles at the stores every week."
***Check out their website for pictures and updates of new items, shop locations and hours, and more information about their boutique.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Mens Gift Guide
Are you having a hard time finding things for that special someone in your life this year?? I am putting together etsy gift guides to inspire and help you shop this year! Here are some great finds for MEN. Starting from the top left corner... A necktie card wallet from http://www.prixprix.etsy.com/. A recycled kona coffee burlap bag stocking from http://www.sasakibags.etsy.com/. An awesome VW style silver ring from http://www.hioctanejewelry.etsy.com/. Super cool robot ornaments that everyone would love from http://www.blueskyclouds.etsy.com/. Practical, yet still great for gift giving, a cowl from http://www.newduds.etsy.com/. One of my favorites is this amazingly useful box from http://www.barkupatree.etsy.com/. Why not let your guy pamper himself with handmade soaps this year from http://www.dressgreen.etsy.com/. And last but not least, your guys next favorite tee from http://www.1aeon.etsy.com/ with all the bells and whistles of a manly top. Happy shopping and buy handmade when you can!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Black Friday Etsy Sale
Hey everybody! In honor of black friday, I am having a "black friday" sale in my etsy shop. (http://www.barefootbeadshawaii.etsy.com/) I am offering free shipping from now until Wednesday, December 3rd at midnight. I am also adding sale items to my shop during this time period, but they will only be on sale during the sale so shop now! Why wait in lines at the mall when you can do all of your shopping on etsy?? Check out other great black friday sales at http://www.etsy.com/. Tons of shops are offering free shipping and sale items through the weekend. Don't miss out on great savings! Get your Christmas shopping done early and make sure you find the perfect handmade gifts for everyone on your list. Happy Thanksgiving and ALOHA!
My newest item in my etsy shop: A hand knit leaf pin to add to your fall bags, scarves, or hats! Wear it with confidence and style. Bamboo yarn with a recycled wool felt backing. Check it out at http://www.barefootbeadshawaii.etsy.com/.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Tatse of the Bayou
I went to Taste of the Bayou last night for dinner on Kapahulu Ave. They serve a traditional menu of Cajun classics. If you aren’t familiar with Cajun style cooking, don’t worry, on the back of the menu they have a list of words you may not know. Like andouille sausage, hushpuppies, jambalaya, gumbo, or etouffee. If you have questions, just ask, the staff is friendly and knowledgeable. You can’t go wrong with Jambalaya and a side of hushpuppies though if you are afraid to venture into the unknown. One of the coolest parts of the restaurant is the scenic paintings on the walls that set a background of the South. A swamp with reeds, alligator, and raccoons lines one wall; while the other is filled with a banjo band on a stage with dancers in the grass. It really adds to the atmosphere.
My boyfriend and I split the "A Taste of the Bayou" sampler. It came with Jambalaya, Gumbo, and Red Beans and Rice. I am not a huge fan of gumbo, so I won't even tell you what I thought since I barely ate that, but the Jambalaya was insanely yummy. Just the right amount of spice (I ordered it medium) and the chunks of chicken, ham, bacon and tomato flavor were awesome. The red beans and rice were really good too. The beans were flavored with andouille sausage and bacon so they had a really meaty flavor, which added to the beans mixed in with the rice. I also ordered the sweet potato fries... They were by far my favorite thing! They came with a honey mustard dipping sauce that made them hard to put down. I ate the whole order all by myself! For $3.50, they offered value and quality. I would definitely recommend the Jambalaya. My boyfriend also ordered hushpuppies, which were just as expected. Crispy on the outside, soft and delicious on the inside.
Go early, or make reservations, because this place fills up fast! Call 732-2229 for reservations and take out orders.
*Entrees range from @10-$15 on average at dinner, lunch prices are less. Sides are around $3-$5. Each meal comes with a moist cornbread muffin to “start.”
Website: www.tasteofthebayou.com Check it out for a list of their menu items, information on their hours, prices, and press coverage. Their hours are kind of hard to remember, so make sure you call before showing up on a Monday afternoon for lunch when they are closed!
*Senior Night on Thursday night! 60 years and older get 10% off the entire bill.
*BYOB with a $5 corkage fee.
Located at 740 Kapahulu Avenue in Honolulu. Phone: 732-2229
Hours: Closed-Sunday/Monday all day
Open-Tuesday-Saturday 5:30-9:00 (dinner)
Open-Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 11-1:30 (lunch)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
New Felt Items

I have been listing new felt items on etsy, and my new craze is passport wallets! I hate carrying my blah passport around when I travel and having everyone know where I am from. Especially when you are just trying to blend into the crowd. So I have come up with these fabulous covers for your passport that are snuggly, fit just right, and have a little pocket in the back for all those ticket stubs, business cards, and travel specialty items that are usually just jammed into your passport until next time...
Check out this one and more on http://www.barefootbeadshawaii.etsy.com/ and get ready to travel this holiday season!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Craft Fair Success
I participated in the Hickam Craft Fair today, and it was a lovely success. I got a lot of business cards out there, made some sales, and talked with a lot of other vendors. Besides the one rain shower that we had to sit through, I'd say it was a pretty good day. Here is a picture of my booth set up, some stuff had already been sold, but I wanted to get a picture before it got torn apart!
We were located by the parking lot in the back, and kind of in the middle of everything, so I think that helped a little. Overall, I am happy with the show. :) For those of you that were there, I will be posting tons of new stuff soon, so keep checking my etsy shop.
If you were at the show and decided you really liked something that you didn't purchase, you can enter HICKAM at checkout for free shipping in Hawaii. When you pay for your item, I will refund your shipping cost. Happy Holidays and good luck shopping!
Here are some of the items that were sold at the craft fair. Keep checking my shop for new items, although everything is one of a kind, sometimes I make similar items or styles, and often use the same stones.
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