These are the product of the annual Christmas bake off. We have ginger spice cookies, shortbread with orange marmalade, coconut oatmeal cookies, and oatmeal cookies with raisins and dried cherries. YUM! This year we donated the cookies to IHS or the Institute for Human Services. You can see how you can help at http://www.ihshawaii.org/.
-A little about IHS, donations and how you can help:-
"-IHS provides respite for those who are unsheltered and solutions that transform the lives of homeless and at-risk people."
"-IHS depends upon the generosity of the community to meet fully one third of our modest budget-85% of our revenue goes to programs (our guests). The money that we raise is to help people; it does not go towards excessive fundraising or to pay for pretty business offices. IHS is doing good things with your money. Your gifts are not taken for granted. Each gift is appreciated and provides meaningful assistance!
To view our latest IRS Form 990 please visit www.guidestar.org
---Here’s what your contribution will do:
$35 Provide a nutritious lunch & dinner for a homeless child for a week.
$40 Provide hot showers for a guest for a week.
$50 Provide a week’s worth of childcare supplies.
$100 Provide 2 week’s worth of social services for a homeless adult.
$200 Sponsor a homeless family for a week (2 adults & 3 children).
$250 Host an evening meal for the Women & Families’ Shelter.
$500 Underwrite a portion of the utilities for both shelters for a week.
$750 Case Management services for Supportive Housing."
-----(information taken from their website)
-They also need volunteers, you can read more information at : http://www.ihshawaii.org/IHS_Volunteer.html
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